Private View, Thursday 17th November, Shed Shop, Calle Carolinas, 15, Barcelona 8pm.
(Catalan Version below)
The Shed Shop in Barcelona is delighted to welcome you to the Private View of 'Travel' photography by Shed Creatives and the launch of the new collection of 'Brin d'Amour' jewellery in Barcelona.
This is a unique opportunity to see in one venue a handpicked collection of exquisite photography by creatives from The Shed Photography website and individual pieces of artwork and jewellery.
We are delighted that Fabulous Bijoux have chosen us for their launch in Spain of their Brin d'Amour collection which has recently launched to great success in London.
At the same event we will also be showcasing an architectural installation by the American Sculptor Michelle Frederick, smaller sculptural pieces from the 'Urban warriors' and 'Rocket' body of work by the artist Lauren Fox, original illustrations by Ana de Lima, handmade leather bags from the new collection by the exclusive Spanish firm L'indiana del Sur as well as selected pieces of jewellery by the talented artist Lottie Heffer as well as new paintings by Chelsea Davine.
The exhibition will open to the public on Friday 18th at 10am and will run for 2 weeks.
All work is available for pre-view on and prices one week before the event. To avoid disappointment we suggest pre-orders/reservations for work can be placed online through the email 2 days before the event and through
All photography can be printed in any size to order through the website and if you wish to take part in any future events as an artist or photographer please join up through the shed website.
A The Shed Shop estem encantats de convidar-te a la passada privada de "Travel" dels Creadors de Shed i al llançament de la nova col.lecció de joies ¨Brin d'Amour¨ a Barcelona.
És una oportunitat ùnica de veure en un mateix espai una acurada selecció de fotografíes exquisides dels creadors de la pàgina web: The Shed Photography i peces individuals d'art i joieria.
Estem encantats que Fabulous Bijoux ens hagi escollit pel llançament a Espanya de la seva col.lecció que recentment ha obtingut un gran èxit a Londres.
En el mateix esdeveniment mostrarem una instal.lació arquitectònica per la escultora nordamericana Michelle Frederick, escultures petites creades per Lauren Fox i provinents dels treballs "Urban Warriors" i "Rocket", il.lustracions originals de l'Ana de Lima, bosses de pell creades a mà de la nova i exclusiva col.lecció de la firma espanyola L'Indiana del Sur i una selecció de peces de joieria per la talentosa Lottie Heffer així com les noves pintures d'en Chelsea Davine.
L'exposició estarà oberta al pùblic des del divendres divuit i romandrà dues setmanes.
Totes les obres podràn ser vistes per avançat a i els preus una setmana abans de l'esdeveniment. Per evitar malentesos suggerim pre comandes/reserves poden ser fetes dos dies abans de l'esdeveniment a i a través de
Totes les fotografies podem èsser impreses en qualsevol mida a la web i si desitges participar en futurs esdeveniments com artista o fotògraf/a no dubtis en apuntar-te a la nostra web.
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