Wednesday 30 November 2011

Michelle Frederick exhibits for Moritz in Barcelona!

Shed Creative Michelle Frederick has recently been commissioned by Spanish filmmaker Bigas Luna, to create pieces specifically for the latest Moritz launch event in Barcelona. Her work was exhibited at the event on Tuesday, and is also going to be used within their next advertising campaign - we are really pleased for her and so glad to see her work being recognised and commercially successful!

Here are a few pics of her work at the Moritz Launch on Tuesday night, and we'll have a few more images from her to show you next week. 

Staircase and cameras, by Michelle Frederick 
Camera, Michelle Frederick
Michelle's Camera sculpture being modelled by one of the Moritz girls

See more of Michelle's work on her Shed Profile - and congratulations Michelle!

Casa Decor, Barcelona

Chelsea Davine is currently exhibiting her work as a part of Casa Decor, Barcelona - an annual event held in Barcelona and Madrid:

"The concept is to look for challenging spaces to occupy and then depending on the space Architects, design studios and artists as well as commercial businesses that art cutting edge in design etc are asked to participate. There are often themes running through the work, for example our stand was all about saving energy and 'up-cycling' so using unwanted steel etc....even though I want it! I was asked to collaborate with the design studio Arquitectura y Sentido." - Chelsea

The exhibition is on now, until 11 December, at CASA DECOR, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 700, BCN from 11am-9pm daily.

Steel shelves, wall unit and table by Chelsea Davine
Harvest Moon by Chelsea Davine

See more of Chelsea's photography and design work on her Shed Profile, and browse more images from the whole CASA DECOR project on their blog - there are some brilliant ideas realised as part of the exhibition, and some inspirational and hugely talented individuals showing their work.

 As ever, please feel free to comment here - all feedback on Shed Creative's work is always appreciated!

Monday 28 November 2011

Guest Blog by Patrick Ridley, Artist of the Week

Photography has always interested and inspired me.

I began taking photographs a couple of years ago with a small pocket camera, last Christmas I was lucky enough to be given a Canon XXXX , I spent the following couple of weeks photographing everything I possibly could in Bahrain. 

Everywhere I go to I take the camera if I possibly can, I love it.

I’m lucky to be able to travel with my parents so took lots of photos in Lebanon this year. Everything from the poverty of refugee camps to the splendour of the mountains and countryside.

My other passion in life so far, is scuba diving and I have an underwater camera too.  It's more difficult to use but very exciting.  

At weekends I help at a local steam museum, as well as rebuilding the old engines and operating them, I get to appreciate the industrial architecture and its beauty. Every chance I get I take photographs of the museum and the engines.

I’m trying  to discover my particular style;  I love taking photos of my friends and of the sea. Two of my friend’s fathers are professional photographers and they have let me use their studio to experiment with lighting and abstract objects which was very exciting.  

I like looking for the unusual shots in what is common around me.

I've just started a beehive so am using my bees for close-up wildlife photography!  

If you are wondering how I fit all these wonderful opportunities in with school, I'm home educated!!

The Cross, Patrick Ridley
See Patrick's work on his Shed Profile, and please do feel free to comment/feedback here. 

Sunday 27 November 2011

Artist of the Week: Patrick Ridley

This week we are celebrating our youngest Shed Creative, Patrick Ridley, as our Artist of the Week! At just 14 years old, Patrick's work explores darker colours and tones, and patterns of light and shade, so as to leave the viewer's imagination to fill in what is not visible. To this end he is currently experimenting with black and white photography.

Patrick's other passion is scuba diving, and he is enjoying learning the craft of underwater photography whenever he gets the opportunity. As usual - here are a few of Patrick's images, and there will be more of his work on the blog this week. Please do click here to see his Shed profile, and more of his work, and do feel free to comment - at this early stage in his career, he is very happy to receive feedback and appreciates the support of other Shed Creatives, and more experienced photographers! 

The Canoes

The Barbed Wire

The Man in the Door

Saturday 26 November 2011

Image of the Day, by our Artist of the Week

Our image of the day today is Yonder, by Cynny Sharp - and we just wanted to pass on a bit more info from the artist, about the image.

"This image is taken from inside St Catherine’s Chapel in Abbotsbury where women go to pray for a husband! I just thought it might be nice for people to know that it was taken from a spiritual place." - Cynny
Yonder, Cynny Sharp

Friday 25 November 2011

El Cortes Ingles

We've just delivered some Shed Photography prints and paintings to El Corte Ingles, the department store at Plaza Catalunya, BCN, for the collaborative exhibition we are part of that runs from tomorrow until 23 December!

Here are a few of the featured pieces we have contributed:
Yonder, Cynny Sharp
Light and Shade, Caroline Collett

Harbour, Jacques Tutcher

It's great to be a part of such a public show, and we're excited to see the work of the other contributors, when the exhibition opens this weekend. We'll definitely be taking some pictures to wow you with on here, but do try and get down to see the exhibition if you are in Barcelona - we'd love to know what you think. 

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Travel Exhibition Calendars

Travel Exhibition Calendars 
We've had calendars made of the images in the Travel Exhibition - and they are available for you to buy!   They cost £12.50 each plus £1.50 p&p - so a total price of £14.

We think they would make lovely Christmas presents, and are a really nice representation of a fantastic exhibition.

The artists and images featured in the calendar are as follows:

Philippa Gedge Ford Custom 500, Route 66, Arizona
Benjitas Lyme Bay Sunrise
Pete Hackett A Cotton Wool Sky, Lyme Bay, Dorset
Vibeke Floridon NordtØmme Days of Rain 1
Sean Marony Young Monk, Phnom Penh
Chelsea Davine Zanzibar Internet Cafe
Marisa Lopez Chameleon, Mount d'Ambre, Madagascar
Chris Daubney Tusker at a Waterhole
Jeanne Goodridge The Groynes at Folly Beach, USA
Doug Chalk East Cliff, West Bay
Brian Eastmond Storm
Mark Thomas Beach Hut

To order your calendar, please email us! You can pay with cash or by cheque.

Guest blog by Cynny Sharp, Artist of the Week

Day's Catch, by Cynny Sharp
For many years friends have remarked on and been delighted by my photos, much to my amusement and astonishment. Art and creativity have not loomed large in my day jobs and in the past they have had to take very much a back seat in my life.
Oh yes! I was a past master at clicking away at family celebrations and on holidays, with a very modest camera of the day, starting in my teens with a pale brown, very heavy and very square Brownie Box camera. Portraits cut off at the feet, red eye, squiffy focus…you get the idea!
Since those distant days, and now we are digital, I can throw caution to the winds – and how joyous that is! – snapping umpteen shots of the same scene and knowing that I won’t have to surreptitiously discard the thirty-five that didn’t make the grade, minutes after the longed-for envelope containing my photos plopped through the letter box from some far distant processing firm.
Now carried everywhere, my small digital friend, at present a Sony Cyber-shot with a Carl Zeiss lens, has opened the door to other scenic passions – of playful light, colour, secret or dramatic countrysides. My photography is more intuitive than schooled, with a large dose of curiosity.
I am now surrounded by vibrant, open and fascinating people whose photography quite stuns me with its beauty and originality. I am also delighted with what I learn from fellow exhibitors.
I sail Tall Ships, I walk hills, I adore travel – the getting there as much as arriving - and honing my photographic skills is ever strived for.
Meanwhile the encouragement offered by The Shed is very welcome and thank you so much for featuring me!

Cynny Sharp

Monday 21 November 2011

Artist of the Week: Cynny Sharp

Our Artist of the Week this week is Cynny Sharp. Cynny has made homes all over the world, and now lives in Dorset, UK. Whilst happiest in wild and remote landscapes, she has also spent time in numerous ancient European cities, where her family live - and wherever she is, her camera is in hand. Inspired by her travels, Cynny is captivated by light and shade, the vastness of wild moorland, and of the sea in all her guises. Sailing is close to her heart, watching big skies on sea and land. Her photographs are varied and surprising, raising the spirits or bringing a smile of recollection from summers past. There is a lightness and simplicity to her appreciation of landscapes and detail alike, which makes her work a real joy to receive.

Cynny has a photo in our current exhibition, Travel, which we will be showcasing and hearing more about this week. Her work is also available to view and buy on the Shed website, in her gallery profile. Please do visit her profile, and let us know your feedback on here - it's always brilliant to hear from other photographers about their thoughts and opinions! 

Marrakesh, by Cynny Sharp

Pakistan, by Cynny Sharp

Wedding Day, by Cynny Sharp

Friday 18 November 2011

Travel Exhibition: Private View, Barcelona 17/11/11

View all our photos from last night's opening on our Flickr album! And here are a couple to wet your appetite :-) 

Shed Shop Private View - Travel exhibition set-up!

Guest blog: Paula Youens, Artist of the Week

Paula Youens

What a delight to be in Chelsea's Shed! it's such a great name for a novel concept. All of us love sheds, don't we?  Mysterious dark places full of cobwebs, drying onions, faded seed packets, old bikes & abandoned bird nests. That's how I remember my Grandmother's. It smelt of creosote & mould.....
But this Shed is full of people  & crikey you're a talented lot! Some of you I already know, others are strangers. But  looking at your 12 images, I feel as if I do know you & what makes you tick.... people, events, action, humanity. Here's how I became addicted to 'snapping' & ended up in here with you all....
I only started using a 'real' camera at Art College. Most folk had small instamatics that produced tiny pictures. SLR's were expensive items & as students we used the college's cameras for a few hours at a time during photography lessons. The whole damn experience was infuriating. I hated light meters, exposure/shutter speeds, smelly darkrooms, reels of film & lines of drying prints. It all seemed so complicated! So that was me & cameras out of love with each other for some while.
Paula Youens
 Much later, after I'd graduated in Graphic Design & Illustration & now working, I was tempted back. This time it was serious. Friends were using amazing Pentaxs & Nikons, which were big, heavy lumps. So I saved up for the iconic (as used by David Bailey) OM1n. It had a little swing needle exposure meter & clever focus screen. It was easy to play with depth of field & speed. Initially I used B&W, but the 'darkroom' was a dank & dingy loo in our rented ancient farmhouse. It had a nightly slug invasion & spiders lurked behind the dripping prints in the shower. By daylight our efforts were disappointing.
Soon I'd added an OM2n, zoom & 28mm lenses, which were robust & light enough to cart around Mexico, USA & Europe. My first job as a designer was in the wildlife/conservation sector. Colleagues travelled worldwide from Antarctica to Borneo, from scorched deserts to frantic cities, always taking inspiring photos. How could I not pick up a camera again? They chose slidefilm for it's colour density & ability to easily transfer to print. There were 2 camps- the Ektachrome crew & the Kodachrome freaks. I became a Kodachrome 64 fan. The sharpness & depth were terrific.  I miss the excitement of opening that box of little slides, holding them up to the light. Did I get that shot? Group slide shows were competitive. Shots of icebergs versus bull seals fighting. (this was pre-Attenborough & his Frozen Planet series). My New York buildings & Spanish backstreets. My housemates worked for the British Antarctic Survey & we heard about the Falklands invasion of their scientists at a remote spot saw  the Argentine army.
The cameras got put away again......working for newspapers in London it was all illustration & drawing. Photos were taken on holiday & weekends & I'd swapped to Kodak Gold 200 film. 36 shots each roll, not all of them successful. I became obsessed with recording old shops, their displays & signs. In the 80's & 90's supermarkets had begun their march of mediocrity. Swallowing up the individual & quirky in our streets & towns. Swamping us in a tide of neon & plastic. Welcome to the clone town, where everything is the same. Nothing to suprise you, everything safe, clean & cheap. Then my beloved OM1 was stolen in New York, swiftly followed by the theft of my OM2 in Glasgow. Swines. Especially as they end up in a smoke filled pub, swapped for £20 or a bottle or two....
Later I won a Minolta in a  charity Christmas Card Competition, run by Habitat. The award was presented by Princess Margaret in a swanky Covent Garden restaurant. She was tiny & strikingly pretty. I learnt how to curtsey. None of those 3 things are around any more......Habitat bust, PM passed on to a palace in the sky, & the horrid Minolta sold & gone.
Though I bought a secondhand OM1 & an OM4, it never felt the same. I faced up to my darkroom terrors & enrolled on a Photography A level course at a Cambridge 6th Form College. Why is it so difficult to shunt the first bit of film into the spool? Frustration was balanced by the magical feeling as a black &  white image floats up out of the developing fluid.  Hours were spent in the darkroom amongst a whirling, hormone fuelled mass of 17 year olds. We all battled through deadlines & projects. Despite my newpaper background, I left things to the last minute. I got an 'A'....

Paula Youens
But now it's 2011. My wet film cameras are going mouldy. Everything is digital. I don't wait for the postman & the envelope of prints or box of slides.  Look at my Shed 12 shots, it's easy to see my preoccupations. The Irish pub decked out with a plastic Santa in May. A handpainted sign, politely asking you not to urinate in the street. The careful fruit & veg display by the last greengrocer in a small Scottish town. The glass of Guinness on the pub wall, constructed from mosaic tiles. There's art in them there streets! It's my duty to boldy go - as Captain Kirk would urge his crew - to boldly go & snap -with phone, Lumix & Canon. My graphic design background attracts me to lettering, tiling, signage, decoration & detail. Not many people, mostly shapes, patterns, texture, colour, surface. I'm just back from Andalucia. And what's on my iphone? a strange old fashioned barber's shop & a display of mouthwatering cakes in a pasteleria. Can't wait to see the Shed Shop in Barcelona....
So you see fellow Shed people, it's all of you that make this group thing work. But most of all it's Chelsea & her enthusiastic team that pull us all together. I use my cameras as an extra 'sketchbook' for my artwork & printmaking. The advent of digital makes this easy. I can prop my Lumix or iphone up in the studio & work directly from the screen. What I do is nothing special. I wouldn't even call myself a photographer, more a 'recorder/collector' of things. So next time you're in some strange back street, in some run-down town, don't worry about the woman who's bent over focusing on a rusty old enamel's only me...see you in the Shed or on twitter....I'm @DrawntoDevon

Paula Youens

Paula Youens

Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Shed Shop is almost there...

Shed Shop Front
We're almost there.....the exhibition Private View is *tomorrow* (!) and the show is very nearly there. We're really pleased with the new graphics on the shop front - and vinyls on the window as well! Thanks to Carlos for his help this week.

So - we are VERY excited about tomorrow, and can't wait to see you all! Really hope you will come to the PV if you can, and remember you can also order/reserve/buy images online. The full (updated) price list is a couple of posts below, and will be re-posted tomorrow, with images of the inside of the exhibition space itself. Sorry for the delay in pics of the images themselves - but we will have them for you tomorrow!

Thanks so much to everyone for their help so far, and to all you Shed Creatives - your work looks GREAT, and we couldn't be doing this without you.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Travel exhibition Extras

As well as our superb collection of photography, sculpture and jewellery, we also have a few other treats in store for you this Thursday - at the private view of our Travel exhibition!

Zoe Clark, interior designer, will be exhibiting and selling her handmade cushions, and Shed Creative Ana De Lima will also be exhibiting and selling her uniquely designed, hand printed t-shirts. See the images below for previews, and full preview photos of the exhibition are due tomorrow... Watch this space...

T-shirts by Shed Creative Ana De Lima

Cushions by Zoe Clark, €25 each

Christmas Card Competition Winner!

Yesterday was the last day of voting on our Christmas Card Competition, and we are pleased to announce that over 130 people have voted over the last couple of weeks! Thank you to everyone who got involved, we loved all of the entries, and it was brilliant to have so many cracking images to choose from. Thanks also to everyone who voted. In the end the competition was very close, and by a margin of just two votes, Jeanne Goodridge's image of Tree In The Mist has won!

Congratulations Jeanne on your beautiful image.

Christmas Cards can be ordered on here, or on our website, within the next couple of days. We'll let you know the final price and delivery schedule by tomorrow!

Christmas Card Competition Winner: Tree in the Mist, by Jeanne Goodridge

Travel exhibition: Unwrapped and ready to hang

Everything has arrived safely in Barcelona and is ready to hang! The images are looking great - really beautiful, and the quality of the printing is excellent. We are really, really excited about the exhibition - there will be more pictures today and tomorrow as the hang gets underway.

And the brilliant news is, that before the images are even on the walls, one Shed Creative's piece has already sold! Someone bought Pamela Hollis' 'Giverny Reflections' yesterday, as the Shed Team were unpacking and arranging the prints. 

Below is a price list of all the images in the show, which can then be compared to the images coming your way later on today and tomorrow. Feel free to browse, and reserve to buy!

Sunday 13 November 2011

Artist of the Week: Paula Youens

This week we are celebrating Paula Youens as our Artist of the Week! Paula originally trained in Graphic Design & Illustration, and worked as a professional illustrator for many years. She is now working as an artist and printmaker. 

Paula is most interested in what she describes as 'the shabbier, forgotten side of life...the empty shops, lost people, shadows & weeds, rockpools & wrecks, dark corners & strange encounters'. This fascination  comes through very clearly in her work, which focuses on the often unseen, or missed details around us, celebrating a moment of a shadow cast or hidden sidestreet.

Paula started off working with 3 traditional wetfilm Olympus SLR's but now uses a Lumix, iphone, and digital SLR Canon EOS.

We'll be hearing from Paula this week on the blog, and keep an eye out for more of her work on here. Do visit her Shed Profile to see more of her work and to read more about her. All of Paula's work on the Shed Website is available to buy.

And please feel free to comment on her work on here - all feedback always very much appreciated!

Old Street Sign, Ireland, Paula Youens
Rockpool, Paula Youens

Old Shop Ireland, Paula Youens
Autumn Window, Paula Youens